Ring Group shared Voicemail in MiCollab
Why don't Ring Groups have the ability to share and view group mailbox in the MiCollab client like you can with personal mailboxes? We are migrating from Mitel Connect and this feature is/was heavily used. It creates a a large impact in our environment to not have a better voicemail option for Ring Groups.
-Ring Groups with many members don't have a way to manage a mailbox between several users.
-It also does not make sense that they would need to call into voicemail when there is an app that could show the voicemails for their Ring Groups.

Terry Overbo commented
We currently have MiCollab/Nupoint - Shannon are you saying if we do we can make this work?
shannon gehhausen commented
Thank you David. We rarely use the MiCAM as Mitel has never bundled this into UCC licenses. This functionality is needed with MiCollab/NuPoint
David O'Toole commented
Sorry Bill I think you are misunderstanding cause nobody at our vendor or Mitel has been able to confirm this ability using Micollab Advanced Messaging.
Marcell Galatiano commented
This is an important feature to us too.
Deb commented
It is hard to manage a ring group if we can't see the voicemail right away.
Terry Overbo commented
Is there a KB or Whitepapers on this process. Would be helpful to take back to our vendor and TAM.
William Lux commented
This can be done in the Micollab Advanced Messaging.
Bill Lux -
Terry Overbo commented
Agree 100%. There are features the were available on Connect that currently Blue does not provide. This is one feature that would be greatly appreciated. For customers transitioning it would be nice to have an escalation to try and provide some of the features to catch up with what Connect could do clientwise and ease of use. There are some work arounds but mostly just creates more work for support - where you could just click a box in connect you now have a whole process to create.